Monday, October 29, 2007

ok, what's the definition of a big butt?

Hello everybody let me first say you can refer to me as "the junk man" because I'm very passionate about women with nice big rear-ends. I feel the need to establish some rules on what a "big butt" is, at least around here anyway. I will write a few names to guide those that may not understand what a true big butt is (not to be mistaken for one that is simply obese) and the only rule a have is that we all keep the content about women with curves.

Hollywood diva's as we all know are an average size zero. In today's world that is considered sexy. While beautiful curvaceous women the likes of "Jennifer Lopez" and "Kim kardashian" are sometimes scrutinized for having too much junk in the trunk. something is really wrong in Hollywood!, so this begs the question from me what kinda guy likes just skin and bones? I have actually heard guys saying that "she is fat" referring to a totally hot curvy female. well folks i guess everyone has there own perception of beauty but i do believe that society has programmed us all to think that thin is in. We want to hear from the ladies tell us your feelings on the subject. voice your opinions.

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